Thursday, December 11, 2008

Election 2008 (The Ghanaian One)

So as some of you may know, Ghana just had a presidential election on December 7th. As we aren't supposed to get involved in the politics were, we spent the day in our quiet little training village of Addo Nkwanta. Our day involved going for a really nice walk on a bush path which took us out through a cocoa farm and a really awesome giant tree, playing some ping pong (that's right--ping pong!--and I actually beat JJ!--twice!), and watching some episodes of 30 Rock on someone's laptop.

There were several polling stations in the small village so there weren't really any lines or any big hoopla or anything. People vote by putting their thumbprint next to the picture of their candidate. When the results started coming in that evening a lot of people were gathered at the center of town listening to the radio blaring (the radios are typically blaring over here) and you could feel the excitement and anticipation. And it blared on for awhile but as it turns out the results didn't come in until yesterday (3 days later). And the winner one yet! The candidate would have had to get 50% of the vote plus one in order to win, and since there were a few parties aside from the main two parties (NPP is the incumbant party and more similar to republicans and NDC leans more toward social democracy) and there was about 2% of the vote that were misvotes, neither candidate got the needed 50% plus 1. So there is now going to be a run-off on December 28th. We weren't sure what this would mean for us, since they had intentionally consolidated all of the volunteers for the Dec. 7th election and we are supposed to leave for our sites on the 13th. We found out today that we will be going to our sites and will be basically on lock-down from Christmas Eve until January 2nd, so we can't leave our sites at all during that time. The idea is that we are safest when we are at our sites and I'm confident that this is true, but it will be kind of a pain not to be able to go to the market at all in that time. I think we'll be eating lots of rice and beans for my 30th birthday and New Years! So though we might not be well fed for a few days, know that we are safe and should anything go wrong, the Peace Corps has a solid emergency action plan that will ensure our safety.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A view of the countryside around our village.

More dancing at our welcoming ceremony.

Women from the village where we will be serving welcoming us with some spectacular dance moves.

Kirsten bustin some African style moves with one of our village elders.

This is the courtyard at our homestay. We spent many hours here being entertained by the goat family that lived with us.

On top of a cool rock formation on a hike.

Our volunteer group climbing around on a cool rock during a hike in Southern Ghana.
A super good lookin waterfall we got to swim in about a month ago in southern Ghana.

A village we visited in Northern Ghana.

A village in Northern Ghana that we visited.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Kumblingo-Ayeobisi. Our new home


After quite literally years of anticipation, we finally know precisely where we will be serving in the Peace Corps. Accompanied by our two supervisors and two counterparts, we left the comforts of our training area and made the 17ish-hour journey up to our site in the Upper East region of the country. Most of it was pleasantly spent in the confines of an STC bus, which is equipped with both air conditioning (mmm…air conditioning…) and movies. I guess usually they are Nigerian movies, but we had an American movie which involved Val Kilmer battling lions, which was pretty entertaining.

We didn’t arrive at our site until about 11 at night, and the first thing we noticed was a large pedestal with a man atop it, sitting on a chair completely still, which seemed really bizarre until we realized it was a statue. This man for whom the statue was made had eight wives and his family (at least 40-50 people, one of which is our counterpart) lives in what we later learned as Molika Yire (the Red House). They built us a house in this compound and so Molika Yire is now our home!

I’ll take a few moments here to complain and then I’ll move on to all of the awesome things about our site. The first 12 hours or so in our new home were pretty rough. It began with me taking a bucket bath by candlelight in the bathing room. After a few minutes I turned around and was rather surprised to see that the walls were swarming with giant ants! The water had flooded out an ant hive and so they all came swarming out of the drain. Fortunately, they were not out for my blood and I didn’t get any bites, but it was not the friendliest welcome to our home for the next two years. Then it was time for bed. But there was no bed (or any furniture for that matter)—only one small sleeping mat and a rug. And it was really really hot in there because there isn’t really any cross-ventilation. But the 17 hour ride had really worn us out, so after ensuring that the mosquito net would keep the ants from devouring us in our sleep, we passed out. We were awakened a few hours later by footsteps outside our window. A radio began blaring and a man’s voice said “Hello? Hello?” The Ghanaian concept of both privacy and quiet hours are clearly a bit different than ours. We ignored this interruption and went back to sleep.

We awoke to the sounds we have grown accustomed to these past few months—roosters, goats, sheep, blaring radio, sweeping—and a few new ones—donkeys, cows, and people conversing loudly right next to our window. It was time to see our new home by the light of day. We have come to agree that this house could best be described as a fixer-upper, although technically it is a brand new house. With its small size and its mud plaster walls and floor and burglar-proof windows and complete lack of any furnishings whatsoever it feels well, kind of like a jail cell. We’ll be painting the walls (maybe a mural on one!) and putting some flashy linoleum down, and adding our own personal touches to turn it into a home. Our “yard” is dirt and dead crops and is visited by every domesticated animal known to this area and so is covered in animal feces! There’s also a nearby cesspool! Nothing a fence and a rocky drainage pit can’t solve, right? The other major issue is privacy, as we are right in the middle of Molika Yire and have no fence or curtains.

Okay. Whew! Now onto all of the awesome things. Our supervisor Sylvester is an amazingly motivated and inspirational human being. He does so many things to help his community that it took us the whole week we spent with him to get a decent grasp of all the things he does, and I imagine there’s more we don’t even know about. He was an orphan and so is working to help the orphans in the community. Apparently in this area if a child’s parents die, it is thought that the child is somehow evil and responsible for their deaths and so even though they’re usually taken in by relatives or friends they are not well taken care of and often are malnourished and uneducated. So Sylvester is hoping to start an orphanage where the kids don’t necessarily sleep there but will be fed and educated and cared for. Also, because of the lack of job opportunities in the area, there is a high prevalence of young, poor, and uneducated women moving down to Kumasi to be prostitutes. Sylvester is helping them become apprentices in trades like weaving and fabric dying, and would like to train some of them to be teachers for the orphanage. He has formed seven women’s groups in the area (he says that men are not as responsible or hard-working as women and so he only works with women) who are hoping to work together to generate some income through things like tree products (like cashews, mangoes, oranges, mahogany, and moringa), shea butter extraction, livestock rearing (they want me to help them start a piggery!) and beekeeping. His day job is as a security officer for the forestry commission, where he “protects the forest”. He talks at length about how much he loves trees.

My role in all of this will be primarily to help connect these groups that he has formed with government and non-government organizations who can help provide the money and the necessary training to these women’s groups so that they can improve their livelihoods. As far as the environmental aspect of all of this goes, by starting these alternative livelihood projects, fewer people will be prone to deplete the resources in the bush. I will also be helping the community plant lots and lots of trees, and I will also hopefully be promoting the use of organic fertilizers, compost heaps, and fuel-efficient stoves (that you make out of termite mound mud!). I’m also hoping to start an environment club at the junior high school here as well.

JJ’s role is a little less clear, but he will have no problem finding things to do here. As a health, water, and sanitation volunteer, his main goals are to help prevent diseases by educating people about how diseases are contracted and to help people maintain healthy diets. Seeing as our latrine might possibly be the only one in the community—people “free range” here, there are a lot of sanitation issues that he will be able to deal with. Watsan volunteers also do a lot of HIV/AIDS as well as family planning education.

The people in the community seem to be really nice and wonderful and they are definitely really glad to have us there. They seem to be really motivated to get to work and make some positive changes in their community. There was a ceremony for us which involved a lot of singing and dancing and drumming and speeches. These women—of all ages—are amazing dancers. I don’t think I can put into words how impressive their dancing is. I hope we manage to get some pictures up. We were told that our site was in a traditional area, and there are a lot of elements of this, like the music and the prevalence of facial scarring on just about everyone, including many children, but there are also a lot of Christians and a few Muslims. It was really nice to finally be in a place where Guruni is spoken all around us. We can’t say too much yet—mostly just greetings, food, and buying things—but hopefully the immersion will work some wonders on our abilities.

The area where we will be is really quite beautiful. Everything is really spread out and dry and relatively flat and this openness kind of reminds me a little bit of New Mexico and eastern Washington. My favorite part of this area is the baobab trees—they are huge and they are everywhere! I can easily imagine spending many hours under the shade of a baobab tree reading or drawing or playing the guitar. Parts of our community have electricity, but there really is hardly any light pollution so the stars are pretty amazing, though I think the dust of the harmattan season makes them a little muted.
We are about a thirty minute bike ride from Bolgatanga, which is great. We will be going there pretty frequently because our town doesn’t have much by way of food supplies. Thankfully there is a spot (the Ghanaian word for bar) about a mile from us, where we can get an ice cold Coke or Fanta or beer when the need arises. We can also get cosi, which is kind of like a nutritious doughnut (it’s basically beans ground up and fried-really tasty), whenever we want. There is a gigantic market in Bolga every three days, which incidentally is also the only time that cars go to and from our community. I really like that we can be so close to the comforts of a big town (we can get pretty much anything we need in Bolga) and still feel pretty isolated from the rest of the world when we are in our community.

We have another week and a half of training. We have a swearing in ceremony on December 12th, where we will perform a Ghanaian dance, and we should be at our site by the 14th or so. Training has really been a lot of fun. It’s a little like summer camp or freshman year of college in that we spend a lot of time with a small group of people and a lot of silliness ensues. It’s going to be a pretty major adjustment to not be surrounded by Americans all the time once we are at site, but we’re looking forward to it.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Our Ghanaian lives thus far (the short version)

Howdy Y'all! or eti sen! (as they say here)

We are now entering week two of our Ghanaian odessey and all is well. Our lives have been a bit hectic and scattered since we arrived, traveling all over the country in melting hot, super crowded epic journeys. We are currently starting our official two and a half months of training in a small town a few hours north of Accra (the capitol). We will be moving in with a family for the duration of the training tomorrow. Let the cultural assimilation begin.

Here is a quick recap of our situation thus far: We spent our first couple of nights in a university outside of the capitol. We were greeted by many freindly Ghanaians, current peace corps volunteers, lizards, a giant ball of fire in the sky that reduced us to sweaty zombies the first few days. We have spent a lot of time just hanging out and getting to know our fellow pcore volunteers, getting to know how things work out here, and getting to know a bit of the language. On the thrid day they sent us into Accra to fend for ourselves and figure out the transport, bartering, money, etc. The first part of this journey we spent lost and confused, as one would expect, but the Ghanaian came to our rescue several times and walked us to places we work looking. The people our super friendly here and have gone out of their way to help us on many occasions. Later we went to a party at the ambassador's mansion. We got a brief tast of the good life, hor d'oerves, wine, live music, dancing, smoozing with the Ghanaian elite. The next day we set off on what is called our vision quest where we spent five days visiting a current volunteer. It was a days journey over rough rode in a truck stuffed full of people. The travel in this country is punishing, but you appreciate getting to your destination all the more. The village we stayed in was fairly remote, tucked away in the bush, surrounded by mountains bordering Togo. We stayed with a man who was working in health water sanitation (the sector the I will be working in). He was fully integrated into his community. He spoke the languae very well and knew most everyone in the village. We spent our time greeting his friends in the village, checking out projects he was working on, attending community event, church. A couple highlights: greeting the town cheif. The ritual required us to bring him a bottle of the local palm liquor and join him in a drink. Kirsten pet a red coloubus monkey (someones pet monkey), the singing and drumming at church, walking through a local co co (chocolate) farm, which was more like fairly dense jungle with giant butressed trees and tropical plants with co co trees and banana trees scattered amongst them. Over comming our first bouts of sickness, eating fu fu (the local dish that is eaten for mots meals, which is yam that is pounded into a pasty dough ball served with soup. We are definetly living yam country. The farmers are yam farmers. They grow yams almost exclusively. They eat yams in a rainbow of varieties and depend on the yam for their livelyhoods. Yams Yams Yams Yams.......... We hope to grow to love the yam. So far the fu fu has been a bit hard to get used to, but the fried yam is delicious. Kirsten and I actually broke down and ate chicken for the first time in six years a couple days ago. The Yam, rice, plantain diet we were on could only take us so far before we collapsed form lack of protein. We are taking it slow with the meat, but are actually enjoying the taste again.

We are learning learning learning everyday. The cultural differences are many and we are working hard to not offend. In a few minutes we will go back to our twi lessons (a widely spoken ghanaian language). Unfortunatley there are over a hundred other ghanian languages, and we may have to learn another one soon.

My time is about to end so I must sign off now. Kirsten and I are thinking about all y'all alot and we send our love. We will update the blog when we can, which is unkown at this point.

until then.....

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Two Weeks to Ghana

After making several trips to Goodwill, battling scary things in the refrigerator, and forcing our belongings onto friends and family, we are almost ready to leave Ballard. The next two weeks are going to be pretty crazy--we'll spend a few days in Burien with Joan and Fred, then fly to LA on Thursday for Tony and Becky-time (I hear wine country might be involved?!), then onto Chicago to visit Grandma Rose, then to Atlanta to visit my people. Then we fly to Philadelphia on the 27th for two and a half days of staging, where we will meet all the other people who are embarking on this adventure with us, fill out lots of paperwork, learn some stuff, and I think get injected with various things to keep the tropical diseases away. We'll take some sort of bus to NYC and then get on a 5pm flight to Accra, Ghana on Sept. 29th. It's an 11-hour flight, and it's direct, which is fantastic.

We'll spend the first four days or so in the capitol, and then mosey on up to the little village(?) of Kukurantumi (2 hours from Accra), where we will live with a family for ten weeks for pre-service training. I haven't been able to find out too much about Kukurantumi, except that it is in the Eastern Region, which is the "mountainous region", and that there is a monkey sanctuary and Ghana's tallest waterfall nearby. Sounds like our kind of place! Our literature says there is very limited internet access there, so hopefully we'll be able to post something at least once or twice during this time.

We should find out in the first couple weeks of training specifically where we'll be for our actual service. The country is really diverse, ranging from tropical rainforest to desert, and from Ashanti chiefdoms to Islamic cultures, and there are over 60 languages spoken in this country that's roughly the size of Oregon. We've been practicing our Twi (the most widely-spoken native language) so it would be nice if we were placed in a Twi-speaking region, but I think we'd be happy anywhere. Our history in New Mexico makes us both kind of itch to live in the desert again. But on the other hand you have lush rainforest with exciting wildlife. Either way we win.

As excited as we are to be doing this, we are also sad because we know we are really really really going to miss our friends and family. If you'd like to write us, feel free to send us an email anytime or, if you're really ambitious, you can send us a postcard or a letter. If it's a postcard, though, apparently you should put it in an envelope because postcards end up on the walls of the Ghanaian post offices! Here's our mailing address for the first three months:

JJ Gama-Lobo and/or Kirsten Tuhus, PCT
Peace Corps
PO Box 5796
Accra North

And I guess that's all for now. Our next blog should be awesome and stuff --- so keep an eye in the sky for it.